The Weather Research Forecast (WRF) model is the default meteorological driver for EMEP4UK. It is a numerical weather prediction system that generates atmospheric simulations based on real data. The WRF model can be downloaded from here, along with information on running the model. The initial boundary conditions for the parent (European) domain of the WRF model were determined by the NCEP FNL (Final) Operational Global Analysis data.
The model is applied using a one-way nested domain approach with the same horizontal and vertical resolution domains that are desired in EMEP4UK. The WRF model output consists of a 3-hourly (resolution only limited by available disk space) instantaneous value.
A summary of the main physical schemes used specifically for EMEP4UK is shown below.
- Microphysics: Lin Purdue
- Cumulus Parameterisation: Grell-3
- Radiation Physics: Goddard Chou and Suarez
- PBL Physics: YSU
- Nudging: Re-analysis nudged for wind, temperature