EMEP4UK version 4.3 ourput for 2014 is shown in the below maps for the following pollutants: dry deposition of reduced Nitrogen, surface Ozone, surface Ammonia, surface Ammonium, surface Nitric Oxide, surface Nitrogen Dioxide, surface PM10, surface PM2.5, surface Sulfur Dioxide, surface Sulfate, surface total Nitrate and wet deposition of reduced Nitrogen. The box in the maps encompassing the UK shows the EMEP4UK model domain with a horizontal resolution of 5km2, outside the black box is part of the European 50km2 domain used as the boundary and initial conditions. Scaled 2012 emissions were used as input for this model run.  


Dry Deposition Reduced Nitrogen

Surface Ozone
Surface Ozone

Surface Ammonia
Surface Ammonia

Surface Ammonium
Surface Ammonium




Surface Nitric Oxide
Surface Nitric Oxide

Surface Nitrogen Dioxide
Surface Nitrogen Dioxide

Surface PM10
Surface PM10

Surface PM2.5
Surface PM2.5




Surface Sulfur Dioxide
Surface Sulfur Dioxide

Surface Sulfate
Surface Sulfate

Surface Total Nitrate
Surface Total Nitrate

Wet Deposition Reduced Nitrogen
Wet Deposition Reduced Nitrogen